The new month brought a distinct change of weather from May and we had a cold, breezy night for the 9th round of the club TT’s. Not ideal but still good fun!
With it being a school holiday week some of our regular riders were away but we benefitted from others who were on holiday and so could get out and race.
Lucas Buksh, looking good in his new Pactimo Flyte Suit, was the fastest KCC rider on the night so he also cleaned up the road bike category too. Michael Wheeler is regaining his form and came in 2nd exactly a minute ahead of Ian Bird. Jamie Stockham, another KCC member on the comeback trail, was fourth and determined to keep on improving.
Our 3 guest riders put in some good rides too. Well done to Danny Metherell, Phil Wilkinson and Drew Sheffield and thanks for supporting the night.
After last week’s race when we had no photos to post this week we have an embarrassment of riches thanks to Marcus Buksh. Thanks Marcus.
Maria Gent, who couldn’t ride this week, took some good photos at the finish which have been posted on the club Facebook page. Thanks Maria.
As ever we couldn’t have an event on without the help of club members and their friends. This week Mick Wood marshalled the turn at Rothwell while Roger Reed helped me out at the start and finish. James Belton, who had popped over to pick up his new club shorts, stayed and helped out afterwards at the HQ making sure that everybody had a warm drink. Thanks to you all.
Next week we have the evening 10 on Thursday on the same course and then on Sunday we have the 25m Championship on the Old circuit. The whole year’s events are listed out on the club website with each one having its links to the CTT site for signing up to ride and the SignUp Genius site if you want to volunteer. It’d be great to see some more members riding or helping.

The results can be found by following this link to the ResultSheet app. It’s a really helpful bit of software that enables you to filter and sort the results in a variety of different ways.
I know that not everybody likes tech and it was suggested that I include a picture of the result sheet from the race. So here you are.