Sunday 8th May saw a small but speedy group of riders meet up at Sainsbury’s at 9am.
The need to eat
Seven riders set out through Pytchley, skirting the eastern edge of Northampton before riding around two sides of Salcey Forest. Instead of the usual stop in the forest, the café was scheduled later than usual in the ride and, boy, did some of us need it!
With a little help
A group of riders consisting of Mike Castelete, David Robinson, Wayne Tunnah, Ondrej Humplik, Cyril Burgess and Haythem Rashed and me, Andy Parker, had set off at a good pace. With a little bit of help from the breeze, the ride south gathered momentum. Hills were attacked and riders like myself, were blowing hard. Haythem, back after a couple of illnesses and Ramadan, started to feel the pressure as we went from Weston Underwood and up the hill to Olney. Whilst there was a moment to re-group, Garmins showed the group riding at 19 miles per hour plus.

Enjoying the sunshine
The group pushed on to stop at the café in the gardens of Castle Ashby which looked beautiful in the warm, sheltered sunshine. Earl’s Barton hill was the main obstacle yet to tackle after coffee and the obligatory sprint into Little Harrowden.
Our speed ate up the miles
Throughout the ride, the speed never let up and 56 miles were covered in less than three hours.
Whilst this was quick – we always regrouped when necessary and all are welcome to join these rides; we will split the group if speeds dictate.