Adopted 6th February 2000 and amended at AGM of February 2002 (Clause 11) and of February 2004 (Clause 7.1). Further amendments following committee meeting 2nd April 2007 to incorporate British Cycling’s Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection and Equal Opportunities rules (Clause 2.4) approved by the club at AGM 16th September 2007. Further updates approved at the AGM 27th August 2015 re 2nd claim members (Clause 3.4.1 – 3.4.4,) and updated Committee positions.

1. NAME. The club is called Kettering Cycling Club (the club) incorporating Kettering Amateur Cycling Club and Kettering Friendly Cycling Club.


The objectives and policies of the club are:

2.1 To encourage & promote all forms of cycling

2.2 To promote social activities relating to cycling

2.3 To foster the development of youth cycling

2.4 The club endorses British Cycling’s Child & Vulnerable Adults Protection and Equal Opportunities policies


3.1 The club shall consist of an unlimited number of members in the following categories:

3.2 Full members (over 18 years of age)

Junior members (up to 18 years of age)

Family members (2 adults and 2 children under 16)

3.3 Membership is available to anyone interested in cycling on completion of the membership application form and payment of the current year’s subscription

3.4 Membership is subject to approval by the committee and such approval will only normally be granted to ‘first claim’ members. A first claim member is someone who is not already a member of a similar cycling club.

3.4.1    As from 2015, the committee approved 2nd claim membership.

3.4.2    2nd claim membership is the same cost as first claim membership

3.4.3    2nd claim members will pay the same TT race entry fees as first claim members.

3.4.4    2nd claim members will not be eligible for KCC trophies or season-long league competitions.

3.5 The annual subscription for all categories of members shall be decided each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

3.6 The membership and financial year of the club runs from 1st January to the 31st December. All annual subscriptions are due on the 1st January. Members joining during the course of a year pay the same annual subscription.

3.7 Members failing to pay their subscriptions by the 1st March in any year are ineligible to take part in club activities until their outstanding subscription is paid.


4.1 A member may resign his membership of the club at any time by giving notice in writing to the Secretary.

4.2 A member who resigns continues to be liable for any annual subscriptions due and unpaid at the date of his resignation and is responsible for the safe return of any club property in his possession to a member of the committee


5.1 The club is managed by a committee of members (quantity as specified in the Annex at the bottom of the document). The committee shall consist of the Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer together with the holders of such offices as the committee may determine necessary at its discretion. A list of officers currently required to be fulfilled is attached as an annexe.

5.2 The committee is elected at the AGM in each year and subject to termination of office by resignation, removal or otherwise. Committee members remain in office until their successors are elected at the Annual or Special General Meeting following their election.

5.3 The committee may fill any vacancy that occurs

5.4 Retiring members of the committee may be re-elected

5.5 The committee shall meet at least four time per year


6.1 The Club may affiliate to National and local cycling organisations as determined by the committee.

6.2 The racing rules of the club are those of the national organisation appropriate to the racing activity


7.1 The AGM of the club must be held every year during August or September (was February) and must:

7.1.1    Receive and if approved adopt a statement of the clubs accounts to the end of the preceding year.

7.1.2    Consider and if approved sanction any duly made alteration to the rules.

7.1.3    Appoint officers and other members of the committee

7.1.4    Appoint an auditor

7.1.5    Deal with any special matter, which the committee desires to bring before the members and receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the committee.

7.1.6    Consider any proposals by members, which have been submitted to the Secretary in writing seconded by another member of the club at least 14 days before the date of the meeting.

7.2 Notice convening the AGM must be sent to the members in the club magazine not less than 30 days before the meeting. The notice must specify the matters to be dealt with at the AGM. The statement of accounts, proposals for the rule alterations and written proposals to be put before the meeting must be sent to members prior to the meeting.


8.1 A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be convened at any time by the committee and must be convened within 30 days from receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than 15 members (together with a fee of £15) specifying the purpose of the meeting.

8.2 A SGM may be convened:

8.2.1    To consider and if approved sanction any duly made alteration to the rules

8.2.2    To deal with any special matter which the committee wishes to place before the members.

8.2.3    To remove any member of the committee from office and to fill any vacancy caused by the removal.

8.2.4    To deal with any special matter which the members requiring the meeting wish to place before the club.

8.3 Notice convening a SGM must be sent to members not less than ten days before the meeting and must specify the matters to be dealt with.


At committee meetings and at General meetings, the Chairman will preside and he may have a casting or additional vote in the event of equality of votes


10.1     The committee may alter the Rules but no alteration takes effect until it has been confirmed at the next AGM or SGM convened for the purpose.

10.2     No alteration of Club Rules under clause 10.1 above may be made unless at least two thirds of the members present at the meeting vote in favour of such amendment.


11.1     Honorary members, vice Presidents and Honorary Life Presidents of the Club may be elected at the AGM if at least two thirds of the members present at the meeting vote in favour of their election.


12.1     The committee may expel any member who offends against the rules of the club or whose conduct, in the opinion of the committee, renders him unfit for membership of the club.

12.2     Before any such member is expelled, the Secretary must give him 14 days written notice to attend a meeting of the committee and must inform him in writing of the complaints against him.

12.3     No member may be expelled unless he has first had the opportunity to appear before the committee and answer complaints made against him and at least two thirds of the committee then present vote in favour of his expulsion. Any member appearing before the committee may ask another member of the club to be present as a witness only.


13.1     The following members are required to form a quorum:

13.1.1  At committee meetings except for the purpose of rule 12; FIVE

13.1.2  At committee meetings for the purpose of rule 12; EIGHT

13.1.3  At General meetings, THIRTY

13.2     Members under the age of 12 years may attend General meetings but they are not eligible to vote and must not be counted as part of the necessary quorum. No more than two adults are entitled to vote as part of family membership.


If at a General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the club is passed by a majority of the members present, and at an Extraordinary General Meeting, held not less than 6 weeks later, (of which not less than 4 weeks written notice has been given to each member) and at which not less than one half of the members are present that resolution in confirmed by a resolution passed by at least two thirds of the members voting on it, the committee must immediately proceed to realise the property and assets of the club and after all of the liabilities, shall transfer the property to some other club having similar objects to the club or to a charity.


Headings contained in the Rules are for convenience or for reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction. Where appropriate expressions in the singular shall be deemed to include the plural and vice versa; expressions of masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine.


Current officers comprising the committee are:

Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Press & Publicity Secretary, Club Time Trial Secretary, Road Race Secretary, Social Secretary, Youth Development Officer, Clothing Officer, Junior Representative, Ladies Representative, Off-road (formally MTB) Secretary and Club Welfare Officer.