By Ondrej
I just wanted to say “what a great race”. Well organised, weather again was good with less wind compared to last time. My target was to stick with my group this time into third lap and improve on 41st place.
When I turned up for the sign up to my horror I noticed that I was placed into Group 2!In my first race they dropped me in first lap! However, once we set off, legs were feeling good and I settled into good rytm. The chaingang worked really well and I lerned some new tricks again about how to preserve energy while still doing my turns. Fast forward, third lap came and I was still going and legs were still feeling surprisingly well. We got to the final downhill leg when Lucas took off like a rocket and I followed with still about 1km to the finish. Whad to happen happened. Lucas run out of steam about 300m later and I did at the bottom of the hill before the final climb where majority of the group overtook us. I still managed to hold Lucas back but only by small margin. He was so strong today – well done. My 9th place is real positive takeaway and it only happened because our group worked for majority of the race as a well oiled machine. Thanks to all guys who took part. Thanks to organisers. I would encourage everyone who never tried to give road racing a go – there is plenty of various choices you can try. It is good fun.