
Old 9.4 miles
START in line with field gateway on uphill stretch of Scaldwell Road heading south easterly approx. 100m before the Old sign. Proceed into Old where turn left at the large junction opposite the White Horse Pub continue to pass Village Hall and bear right up the hill out of Old. Proceed to the junction with the Mawsley/Foxhall/Broughton road and turn left (with care) (marshal) and proceed passing Mawsley onto Foxhall, passing Foxhall Cottages up to the T junction. Turn left (marshal) at the junction with the B756 towards Lamport (along the air field straight). Turn left at Manor farm on entering Lamport back towards Old, continue through the downhill sweeping ‘s’ bend and continue passing the Scaldwell turn (on the right, watch for cars turning out in front of you) and continue through the sweeping bends and up the hill to finish at the same point as you started, you will see the finishing board and timekeepers.
Old 18.8 miles (NC15 x 2)
As the 9.4 mile course, but continue past the finishing board on your first lap, complete your 2nd lap to and repeat the course, on your second lap, proceed up the hill to finish at the same point as you started, you will see the finishing board and timekeepers. Call your number out at this point, as you pass.
Remember to call out your number as you pass the finishing sign.

Event HQ for sign on.
Old Cricket Club House
Old Playing Field
No access into the building, we meet in the car park, please be aware that changing rooms or toilet facilities are currently unavailable, so turn up ready to ride.