Cancelled Club Sunday Ride
The Intermediary and Training ride for Sunday
It is with regret that there will be no organised club ride, we are to return next week weather permitting.
To be part of our club ride we encourage you to let us know and we use SignUp Genius to manage numbers, click on the logo to go to our page:
Registration will close the night before so we know who’s attending and more importantly the number of riders.
Please remember to wear your club jersey, it’s a great way to support and promote your club, so thank you all and lets encourage it by continuing.
As an participant in our club ride your information may be shared on the event or our club website, newsletter, social media pages or in emails sent by or on behalf of Kettering cycling club. When used, we may use your name and only shared in relation to your participation in the ride, for example tagged in photos and ride reports.
We are trailing a new structure from 11th April 2021, published the overview of the structure here: