A race worthy of a Club Championship
11 KCC riders faced the timekeeper for the 2nd event on the Lamport course this season with the prize being the Butterworth Cup for the fastest rider in the Club 10 mile TT Championship.
It was clear as the course signage was being put in place that it wasn’t a night for fast times but out turned out to be a night for close racing throughout the field for which all of the riders deserve a great deal of credit.
The fastest rider was KCC returnee Josh Brown who stopped the clock at 23:12. Riding a road bike this was truly impressive and it shows how well he’s going right now. It’s great to have you back representing the club Josh and we look forward to seeing more fabulous rides in TT’s and Road Races in the season ahead.
Sam Barker came in just behind Josh at 23:28 beating Rob Barker into third at 23:51.
A tight Junior battle
In the Junior section Lucas Buksh and Jake Bird were in super competitive mode. We’ve got used two seeing them come over the line together but this week they crossed the line almost the same minute apart as they had started. 1 second separated them at the finish line 28:24 and 28:25 respectively. Great riding again you two.
On the subject of Juniors we saw another super ride from George Fox Cycling Solutions rider (and 2nd claim KCC member) Hudson Hendry. 23:22 was excellent.
Maria Gent was the solo Ladies entrant this week so was competing against her previous times. She improved against last week which shows that her training must be going well and there’ll be more to come as the season progresses.
Well done to everybody who competed on a tough evening. It was great to see the KCC members and our visiting guests and we’ll look forward to more good racing through the season.
Thanks to the volunteers
We had one of the most experienced group of helpers we’re likely to see all year at the event. Thanks go out to Tony Brown and Jon Thorne for timekeeping. Thanks too to Mick Wood for his help at the start and for volunteering for the future events while he cannot race. Finally thanks to Mike Lewendon for helping at the Rothwell roundabout and for volunteering his services at future races.
Thank you all as we couldn’t have run the race without you.
If you’d like to take part or help out ant any future Time Trials then please visit the Event diary where you’ll get all of the dates and courses.
Results. Use the arrows to sort columns.