Minimum qty declaration for Half Sock

Minimum qty declaration for TT/Tri Full Cover

The club will take delivery in one lot to one address, this being Andy King's address in Loddington. Please select your peference on how you wish to recieve your covers.

Please review your detials and order above before submitting the form.

7 + 12 =

Prices are £’s from Euro’s € and subject to currency fluctuations.
Prices are subject to change and will be confirmed as soon as we have an order confirmation from Velosock. All prices are inclusive of VAT, but, exclusive of postage and packaging, which will be split evenly over the qty of items ordered. Example £30 carriage, over 15 items is £2 per item each, see order history.

Order History

Date Type Qty Club discounted
Price each
Recieved Complete
02/12/2020 Haf Sock 13 £31 + £2p/p
02/12/2020 TT Full Cover 2 £100 + £2p/p

We are now collecting members orders for a second order when the numbers reach the minimum.

If you wish to split the custom setup fee against a smaller number like we have on the TT full cover on the first order, please email Andy and ask for a price.

Order status

Half Sock cover @ £31.00 ea. + p/p.

  • % Qty reached to place an order 0% 0%

Full TT Cover @ £100.00 ea. + p/p.

  • % Qty reached to place an order 0% 0%

Prices are subject to change and these are prices set at 06-12-2020. As we start to collect new orders we can confirm the current pricing.

Prices are £’s from Euro’s € and subject to currency fluctuations.

* Useful guide to convert € to £’s can be found here: https://themoneyconverter.com/EUR/GBP

We hope you like these new covers and you can read the full article from Andy King here:
